
Overnight Yacht Ideas in Singapore

Outside of Singapore’s famous skyline of enormous buildings and cutting-edge construction, there are whole diverse types of landscapes to discover. Each of Singapore’s 64…

What is a Yachtnic?

yachtnic is a type of yacht designed for cruising around southern islands. It usually comes with an assorted snack basket and can be booked…

What is Southern Islands Singapore?

Have you ever heard of Singapore’s southern islands? This series of tiny islands is located just south of Singapore’s mainland. Kusu Island, home to…


6 Things to do on Kusu island

What is Kusu island? Kusu Island is one of Singapore’s Southern Islands, located around 5.6 kilometres south of the main island. Kusu means “Tortoise”…


8 Things to do on St John Island

What is st John island? St John’s Island, also known as Pulau Sakijang Bendera, is one of Singapore’s southern islands. It is situated around…

A guide to Lazarus Island

What is the Lazarus Island? Lazarus Island, also known as Pulau Sekijang Pelepah, is a small island in Singapore’s Southern Islands connected to St…